• Mother sitting and reading with children

    How to Talk to Your Kids About Death and Suffering in the World: 4 Truths to Share

    Knowing how to talk to your kids about death and suffering can be intimidating. I remember the first time I talked about death with my oldest son.  He was 4 years old and very concerned about his flowers wilting.  A slew of questions ensued: “Why do they look different?”  “What does wilting mean?”  “But, I don’t want them to die!”  “Do flowers go to heaven?”   This lead to a conversation about how one day we will all die, but that for followers of Jesus, death…

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    Let’s Be More Than Brunch Friends: Practical Advice from Proverbs

    Experts have said there’s a global epidemic of loneliness. Between a pandemic and social media over the last two years, people are more lonely and anxious than ever. Deep and meaningful friendship seems to be a lost art. The Book of Proverbs gives so much practical knowledge and has a lot to say about how to do friendship.  Most of which will push up against the cultural norms and patterns of friendship today.  I’m going to go into detail on a few that I think…

  • coffee cup, book, notebook on table

    Sexuality, Intimacy, and Gender: 4 Resources You Need To Know About

    Here we go, ya’ll.  Only our fourth blog post and we’re already diving into tricky topics like sexuality. I want SIE to be a place where we can wrestle with the tough stuff. That’s why we’re diving into my top sexuality resources.  I’m not very good at staying in the realm of light and fluffy conversation for too long! If you’ve heard increasingly more about things like sexuality and gender theory, but feel intimidated by these conversations, this blog post is for you. Why Are…

  • physical therapist sitting under tree

    How My Faith Made Me A Better Physical Therapist

    When you think of the Christians that you work with, do they look any different than your co-workers who don’t follow Jesus? I hope so. Our faith isn’t meant to be something we do in our spare time, it’s something that should be fully integrated into every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s our jobs, relationships, finances, or how we spend our free time. Faith in Jesus should make a difference. It’s been interesting to see how as my relationship with Jesus has deepened, my…

  • friends hugging

    How To Be Exceptional Friends and Build Meaningful Relationships

    I’ve had countless conversations the last few years about how complex finding good and reliable friends can be. There’s often unmet expectations and confusion involved. With how much pressure we are feeling from the world to “build your tribe” and have best friends, you may feel a little discouraged if you struggle to build friendships. I’m a Christian, so one of my main resources for practical wisdom is found in the Bible. I love reading through books of the Bible, but every once in awhile…

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    Personal Growth

    Ditch New Year’s Resolutions: Create A Vision For Your Year

    Make Time to Dream Ready to ditch stereotypical New Year’s Resolutions? Create a Vision for your year instead. Holding a vision meeting quarterly has been crucial for our family.  I had a few people that inspired me to start this rhythm, so I want to show you how we approach it and give you some resources for making it your own.   Whether it’s for your career, friendships, marriage, health, or otherwise, we all need a vision that we can chase after.  My single friends can…