• Faith,  YouTube

    Why I Left The Mormon Church: TeriLyn’s Powerful Story

    TeriLyn’s Story Of Why She Left The Mormon Church TeriLyn shares her story of what it was like growing up in Utah as a Mormon and her journey of how she eventually left the Mormon church. Her story is raw, genuine, and powerful. We’re so thankful for her sharing her story! Recommended Resources From This Episode More On YouTube Click HERE for more videos on the SIE YouTube Channel! Don’t forget to subscribe while you’re there.

  • Bible Study,  Faith,  Parenting

    Helpful Tools To Teach The Bible To Your Kids

    How I teach my kids the Bible has been a conversation I’ve had many times over the years with friends. Teaching other women and discipling adults in the faith is something I’ve always been passionate about. But, I know that because I’m a Mama of four kiddos, one of the main callings of my life is to teach them the way of Jesus.  There are 2 primary avenues for teaching my kids about what it means to follow Jesus: First is teaching them the truth…

  • Faith,  YouTube

    Giving My Life To Jesus After Tragedy (Episode 2)

    The Awakening Series Episode #2: Giving My Life To Jesus After Tragedy Jen interviews Ashley as she tells her story of giving her life to Jesus after her friend died in high school. They talk about what it was like growing up in the Bible Belt where “cultural Christianity” is rampant and everyone attends church. Jen and Ashley also discuss what life is like as a new Christian and what it looks like to mature in your faith. Resource Recommendations From This Episode More On…

  • YouTube

    The Awakening Series Episode 1: Leaving New Age For Jesus

    Leaving New Age For Jesus Olivia shares her journey of faith as someone who grew up in church but started dabbling in new-age practices in high school and college. She shares her mental health struggles and how encountering Jesus radically changed her life. Olivia shows us the importance of community and how a friend played an important role in her coming to faith in Christ. I hope you enjoy this powerful story of her leaving new age for Jesus. Resource Recommendations From This Episode Mere…

  • Faith,  Prayer

    How A Year Devoted To Prayer Changed My Life

    It had been a particularly hard Tuesday. My 7-month-old daughter was on Day 8 of an upset stomach and consequently, a severe diaper rash. I was battling sleep loss, changing my umpteenth diaper of the day, and giving as much energy as I could muster to our 2-year-old whose clinginess was signaling her need for attention.  If you’re a mom of young children, you might be able to relate. My husband shared with me about a conversation he had with a close friend of ours…

  • Parenting

    The Best Christian Books For Kids (Our Family Favorites)

    As a Mama of four kiddos aged 6 and under, we’ve been through our share of books! I had a friend ask me if I had a list of my favorite faith-based books for kids, so here are the best Christian books for kids that our family has found. I’m sharing all of our favorites, plus some I’ve got on my radar for Christmas this year or even when our kiddos are a bit older! Just click the title or the picture to learn more…

  • Faith

    Spiritual Battles and How To Fight Back

    I had two people in mind when I was writing this article on spiritual battles. Here are the two hearts I’ve been praying for as I finish this bit of writing: I’m thinking of the discouraged believer. The one wrestling with doubt, burnout, and maybe even despair. You may feel like you’re in a spiritual rut. Maybe you’re in a season of life that feels like a grind right now and you’re ready for a break. You’re tempted to take your foot off the metaphorical…

  • Parenting

    New Mercies For Motherhood

    New Mercies “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:21-24 ESV A tale of new mercies and motherhood I woke up dizzy and nauseous- the same ailments I had been dealing with for the past three days. My husband had started his…

  • Pregnancy and Labor

    My Unexpected Hospital Birth Story With Baby #4

    I LOVE hearing other people’s stories, and birth stories are no different! Here is my birth story for baby number 4, who arrived on May 23rd of this year. Make sure you check out all of my Motherhood Resource Page. I have all my tips for pregnancy, labor, the newborn stage, and more! I wanted to document everything I’ve learned these last 6 years after becoming a Mama. My Other Birth Stories My first birth story with our oldest son was the most difficult birth…

  • Community/Friendship

    Why Christians Need To Radically Show Up In The World

    Why do Christians need to “show up” in the world and their relationships? By showing up, I mean stepping into the hard places and spaces. To bring the light of Christ to every person and situation we find ourselves in. Esther’s Example In the story of Esther, we see God’s people crying out to be rescued. Haman, the king’s most trusted official, being filled with wrath toward the Jewish official Mordecai because he wouldn’t bow down to him, calls for all of the Jews of…