• Bible Study,  Faith,  Parenting

    Helpful Tools To Teach The Bible To Your Kids

    How I teach my kids the Bible has been a conversation I’ve had many times over the years with friends. Teaching other women and discipling adults in the faith is something I’ve always been passionate about. But, I know that because I’m a Mama of four kiddos, one of the main callings of my life is to teach them the way of Jesus.  There are 2 primary avenues for teaching my kids about what it means to follow Jesus: First is teaching them the truth…

  • Parenting

    The Best Christian Books For Kids (Our Family Favorites)

    As a Mama of four kiddos aged 6 and under, we’ve been through our share of books! I had a friend ask me if I had a list of my favorite faith-based books for kids, so here are the best Christian books for kids that our family has found. I’m sharing all of our favorites, plus some I’ve got on my radar for Christmas this year or even when our kiddos are a bit older! Just click the title or the picture to learn more…

  • Parenting

    New Mercies For Motherhood

    New Mercies “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” Lamentations 3:21-24 ESV A tale of new mercies and motherhood I woke up dizzy and nauseous- the same ailments I had been dealing with for the past three days. My husband had started his…

  • Parenting

    Ultimate Baby Essentials Guide From An Experienced Mama

    Being a new mom can be SO OVERWHELMING! I wanted to make a baby essentials guide for anyone that feels overwhelmed by the amount of baby gear out there. It feels like there can be so much to learn from everything from feeding to sleep, to what gear you actually need. I’ve had countless conversations with new and other Mamas over the last 6 years since having my first kiddo and I’ve learned so much! I knew at some point I’d want to compile all…

  • Parenting

    How To Fight Victim Mindset In Motherhood

    This is a big one, y’all. It’s a topic that comes up in conversations all of the time with fellow Mamas. How do we fight victim mindset in motherhood? It feels like there can be a tension between caring for your family and household while maintaining your joy and peace. In fact, I’d say it’s more like a battle than a tension most of the time… Why Are Moms More Likely To Fall Into “Victim Mindset?” What is it about motherhood that makes us more…

  • Bible Study,  Parenting

    How To Read Through The Bible (Even As A Busy Mom)

    Have you ever thought about reading through the entire Bible, cover to cover? Maybe you have seen those “read the Bible in a year” plans that start rolling around toward the end of the year. Maybe some of you have successfully completed one of those plans. I bet there are some who started one of those plans with good intentions, then dropped off at some point. Does it feel like too big of a commitment? Do you feel like you don’t have the time or…

  • Parenting

    Simple Kids Check-In For A New School Year

    Last, but certainly not least, our fall inventory series is doing a simple fall check-in for our kids! Children change so rapidly that it can be hard to keep up with what they need at each stage.  It feels like it takes constant communication and connection with them to know how we can best help them as their parents. Make sure you check out the resources at the end of this article for some of our favorite kids resources and parenting resources!   Here Are 4…

  • Parenting

    The Best Travel Gear for Young Families: Babies and Upward

    Want to know what the best travel gear is when you’ve got a young family? Thinks babies, toddlers, and elementary-aged kiddos. We’ve done our fair share of traveling with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers over the last five years. From 2-hour to 10-hour trips, we’ve learned which gear is necessary and what we could do without. In the car, meals, sleep, and non-screen fun. We’ve got you covered! Traveling with little ones can be intimidating, so I’ve put together all of my favorite things to help…

  • teach toddlers and preschoolers scripture

    4 Helpful Ways to Teach Toddlers and Preschoolers Scripture

    Is it worth it to try to teach your toddlers and preschoolers scripture?    After practicing daily family worship time for several years with my young kiddos and serving on the preschool team in our church, I’ve got some tips and tricks to share for how to have a productive family worship time with little ones.   I even made a free printable for you with 3 verses you can memorize with your kiddos and discussion questions to go with them. We just went through these…

  • Mother sitting and reading with children

    How to Talk to Your Kids About Death and Suffering in the World: 4 Truths to Share

    Knowing how to talk to your kids about death and suffering can be intimidating. I remember the first time I talked about death with my oldest son.  He was 4 years old and very concerned about his flowers wilting.  A slew of questions ensued: “Why do they look different?”  “What does wilting mean?”  “But, I don’t want them to die!”  “Do flowers go to heaven?”   This lead to a conversation about how one day we will all die, but that for followers of Jesus, death…