• Community/Friendship

    Why Christians Need To Radically Show Up In The World

    Why do Christians need to “show up” in the world and their relationships? By showing up, I mean stepping into the hard places and spaces. To bring the light of Christ to every person and situation we find ourselves in. Esther’s Example In the story of Esther, we see God’s people crying out to be rescued. Haman, the king’s most trusted official, being filled with wrath toward the Jewish official Mordecai because he wouldn’t bow down to him, calls for all of the Jews of…

  • Bible Study

    How To Start A DNA Group: Women’s Bible Study

    I’ve talked to many women over the years about the best way to study the Bible in community. Here’s how to get started with A DNA Group: Women’s Bible Study. What Is A DNA Group? The “DNA” group model was created by a pastor named Robby Gallaty. You can read his book, “Replicate: How to Create A Culture Of Disciple-Making Right Where You Are”, to get the full and specific model that he originally created. We have modified the process to adapt to the needs…

  • Faith

    A Post-Easter Reflection for the Disappointed, Lonely, and Betrayed

    Have you been disappointed or betrayed by someone you love? Have you been lonely in the midst of suffering? This blog post is for you. Lately, I’ve had more conversations than ever with people who have experienced relational pain, loss, and tension. We just wrapped up an Easter season that seemed to fly by in the midst of illness, injury, and more for my family. I want to let you in on some beautiful insights the Lord gave me this year as I read through…

  • table of brunch food

    Let’s Be More Than Brunch Friends: Practical Advice from Proverbs

    Experts have said there’s a global epidemic of loneliness. Between a pandemic and social media over the last two years, people are more lonely and anxious than ever. Deep and meaningful friendship seems to be a lost art. The Book of Proverbs gives so much practical knowledge and has a lot to say about how to do friendship.  Most of which will push up against the cultural norms and patterns of friendship today.  I’m going to go into detail on a few that I think…

  • friends hugging

    How To Be Exceptional Friends and Build Meaningful Relationships

    I’ve had countless conversations the last few years about how complex finding good and reliable friends can be. There’s often unmet expectations and confusion involved. With how much pressure we are feeling from the world to “build your tribe” and have best friends, you may feel a little discouraged if you struggle to build friendships. I’m a Christian, so one of my main resources for practical wisdom is found in the Bible. I love reading through books of the Bible, but every once in awhile…

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    Personal Growth

    Ditch New Year’s Resolutions: Create A Vision For Your Year

    Make Time to Dream Ready to ditch stereotypical New Year’s Resolutions? Create a Vision for your year instead. Holding a vision meeting quarterly has been crucial for our family.  I had a few people that inspired me to start this rhythm, so I want to show you how we approach it and give you some resources for making it your own.   Whether it’s for your career, friendships, marriage, health, or otherwise, we all need a vision that we can chase after.  My single friends can…