Personal Growth

Fall Inventory To Make Sure You’re On Track

fall inventory

Don’t you love the start of a new season?  Me, too!!  Fall is a time to take an inventory of your life, get excited for a change in weather, the start of a new school year, football season, fall smells, and all of our favorite pumpkin and apple dishes.  

I wanted to give you a fall inventory to use as we head into a new season in the hopes that it will get your wheels turning about any areas in your life that need adjusting. 

Are you heading in the direction you want to go?  In your relationships, health, spiritual life, and career?  It’s the small habits we do each day that take us to our destination 5, 10, and 15 years from now.  

Let’s get started!

Taking A Spiritual Inventory This Fall 

How is my relationship with God? How do we measure something like the health of our relationship with Jesus?  Although someone’s spiritual state is truly between them and God, there are a few objective things we can look at:

1. Am I spending time with God intentionally and regularly? 


Reading and studying the Bible and praying are the main ways we do this.  Thinking and prioritizing time with God is essential to a healthy relationship with Him.  If you’re not, what’s your first step in moving in the direction you’d like to go?  Is it making a Bible reading plan and reading a chapter a day?  Is it making a set time to pray each day, maybe following an outline like the ACTS method?  Make a plan that you can measure and ask someone to hold you accountable.  Take an inventory this fall and see how you can spend more time with God this season.

2. Am I meeting with other Christians as part of a Christian community? 

There’s no better way to fall further and faster away from God than when you’re alone.  We need each other in our walk with Christ!  Whether it’s through studying the Bible together, praying together, or sharing a meal, we need other believers in our lives to hold us accountable and encourage us to stay faithful to Jesus.  It doesn’t take much to get distracted and off the path of following Christ. Side note: This DOES NOT need to be a program set up by your church. Grab some friends who are trying to follow Jesus and see who’d like to grow with you. Don’t overcomplicate it! Take an inventory this fall on how you’re meeting and growing with other believers.

3. Am I confessing sin regularly, to God and others? 

Sin is a direct barrier between us and God.  While we make think certain sins don’t affect us, the Bible clearly says that sin separates us from God and destroys everything it touches.  Confessing and repenting of sin are an essential part of the Christian life.  Take an inventory this fall on your rhythms of confession.

4. Am I sharing the love of Jesus with others? 

This can be done through our actions, but it’s also telling others about what Jesus has done for us.  We weren’t meant to keep the love of Christ to ourselves, we were meant to share it with the world.  

Take A Health Inventory This Fall

How is my health? I recently took an inventory of my health and realized I had to make some changes.  I wasn’t resting enough, eating enough, or sleeping enough.  Can you relate?  Granted, I’ve got three kids under the age of 6 in my home, but I still knew that I could do better.  Thankfully, God gave me a husband who is incredibly smart and has a passion for nutrition and health!  We worked together to make changes in my diet and sleep rhythms, which made a huge difference in my energy levels and attitude.  Maybe you need to take an inventory of your health this fall?

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1. How is my diet?

Is my diet giving me the energy I need to do the things I need each day?  What changes do I need to make? Consider making a meal plan if needed. 

2. How are my activity levels?

Am I making time to exercise in a way that I enjoy?  Whether it’s lifting weights, running, doing yoga, or playing a sport, research shows that frequent exercise at a certain intensity prevents dementia and other chronic diseases, decreases your risk of depression, and gives your more energy.  If you don’t know where to start, grab a friend who knows how to help you!  Make a plan of the how, where, and when it will happen.  Exercising with friends or family increases your chances of success!

3. Am I getting enough sleep and rest? 

The number of hours each of us needs varies from person to person.  What changes do you need to make to get the sleep that you need?  Maybe you need a Rhythms Reset (learn more here)! It may mean shutting down media earlier in the evening or saying no to late-night commitments during the week.  Maybe it’s having an evening rhythm that prepares your body for bed.  Make a plan and stick to it! Read our article, Easy Ways To Start A Weekly Sabbath, if you want help setting aside one day per week for rest and worship.

How Are My Relationships?

Traci Whitworth Photography

Am I making time for the relationships that matter?  For married individuals, it always starts with your spouse and your kiddos if you have them.  Then, branch out from there and focus on the people who help you be the person you want to be.  Next, think of people that you can invest in and make time for.  

Where Can I Grow?

Want to know the best way to accurately identify your weaknesses?  Ask the people closest to you. 

Make a plan for each area that you want to grow in.  Make sure to be specific, including the how, when, where, and with who.  Think long-term in that you may have to make certain sacrifices with your time to become the person you want to be down the road. 

Are There Any Activities I Need To Cut Out Or Add?

Take a good, hard look at your calendar and how you’re spending your time, energy, and money.  Are your commitments helping form you into the person you want to be?  Make sure you’re saying, “yes” to the right things and “no” to everything else.  

Free Stuff:

If you want to help organize your vision for your life, read our other article about Creating A Yearly Vision and grab our Yearly Vision Template for an easy way to organize your thoughts!