Parenting Resources

Here are some of my favorite parenting resources that we have utilized and that have been used by many of our friends, mentors, and family, too. I love having friends who can field the wide range of resources out there and tell me which ones I really need to look at, so let me be that person for you! Be sure to check out my Kids Resources page as well.

Family Worship: Donald S. Whitney

I loved the way this book gave practical and doable tips to implement a daily worship routine in your home. Because of the author’s “read, pray, sing” approach, we’ve incorporated more singing in our home than ever before! So thankful for this resource.

The Intentional Father: Jon Tyson

If you have a dad in your life with kids in the home, you need to purchase this book! I wouldn’t tell you that if I didn’t mean it. Jon Tyson is a pastor in New York City who designed an intensive discipleship program for his son. This book is the condensed summary of his approach to parenting. There are reflection questions and action steps at the end of each chapter. Jon has influenced my parenting, prayer life, and walk with Jesus tremendously through his writing and teaching. Although it’s for fathers and sons, there is plenty to learn for fathers with daughters and even mothers can gain plenty from this read! Find it here.

Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family: Paul David Tripp

This book put to words so many of the principles that we wanted to incorporate into our parenting. Paul David Tripp beautifully demonstrates how we as parents have a unique opportunity to share the gospel to our kids through how we parent. This book challenged, inspired, and confronted me in many ways and laid the foundation for our parenting approach. I can’t recommend this book enough! Find it here.

Gospel-Powered Parenting: The 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family: William P. Farley

How we parent our children should be directly influenced by the gospel and how Jesus has changed our life. Check out this great resource for how you can parent out of the knowledge and power of the gospel!

Raising Worry Free Girls: Sissy Goff

Sissy Goff is the Director of Child and Adolescent Counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries in Nashville, Tennessee. She is a wonderful resources for all things children and I love everything I’ve heard her say about how to help our kiddos work through worry. Anxiety continue to rise in kids and this is an excellent resource to add to your bookshelf to help you feel more equipped as a parent raising daughters. Find it here.

Memory Making Mom: Jessica Smartt

Needing some ideas for family traditions and experiences that your kids won’t forget? This is the book for you! The ideas are simple, memorable, and so sweet. It’s an easy read and one I reference again and again. My favorite part is how Jessica divides the traditions by season. This is a great place to start if you want to brainstorm some memorable family experiences to start with your kiddos. Find it here.

Let’s Connect!

Find me on Instagram and Facebook for more resources and inspiration. Come say hello!