Hey there!

My name is Jen and I'm so glad you're here.

Navigating current conversations about sex, gender, and sexuality can be challenging as a Christian.

Over the last 5 years I’ve dove deeply into these topics and learned from some of the world’s leading Christian voices. I condensed everything I've learned into 4 short E-Books that you can access for free!

What does the Bible say about God's Vision For Sex and GEnder?

What does the Bible teach us about interacting with those who don't affirm a historical Christian sexual ethic? What exactly is a theology of interacting with non-believers? We answer all of these questions across our 4 E-Books!

Our Gender + Sexuality Series includes:

Book 1: A Biblical View Of Gender

Book 2: A Biblical View of Sex

Book 3: What Does the Bible Say About Engaging with Non-Christians?

Book 4: Christians and the LGBTQIA+ Community

God is after changed hearts, not behavior modification. He's not looking for whitewashed tombs, He's looking for a movement from death to life."

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